Saturday, May 21, 2011

Review: The Father's Child by Mark Adair

File Size: 396 KB
Copyright: 2010

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

John Truman, a bright, introverted, college student belongs to the New Dawn...he just doesn't know it yet. The plans of the 300-year-old, Oxford-based, secret society revolve around him, the final piece in their puzzle. He struggles with almost everything - the girl he loves, the extroverted uber-social best friend, his estranged father, and the recurring visions that compromise his ability to interact with others. All John wants is to get through today; all they want is to rule the world.

Mandy's Review:


The cover is dark and mysterious-looking and I'm not sure it captures the story exactly.  There is definitely a mysterious element to the story, but it's not as dark as you would think by looking at the cover.

The title has a literal meaning, yes, but after reading the story I realized it was also a play on words ... in more ways than one.

Plot/Main Characters

John is a brilliant whiz kid who grew up not knowing his biological father.  Susan and he have been friends ever since they were little and now feel destined to be together.

Paul, John's outgoing friend, is a bit of a player where the ladies are concerned.  He's slightly egotistical and is uncomfortable with anything outside of the norm.  One day, Paul meets Julia ... the girl who flabbergasts him and causes him to forget about all other women ... or so we think.

Then we have the New Dawn ... a long-lived organization with plans to take control of the world (insert evil laugh here).  The operatives and leaders of this organization are well hidden in society ... sort of like the CIA, FBI, NCIS, you get the idea.

All four lives of the above mentioned people have been  intertwined far longer than they are aware of.  Those lives have also been intimately intertwined with the very organization they believe they need to stop, the New Dawn.  Will they find out the truth?  Will they still try to stop the New Dawn?


This novel has intrigue/mystery, humor and keeps you guessing quite often.  It wasn't the most easy of reads sometimes, but it did keep my interest.

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