Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blog Tour: Desperate Desires by Terri Wolffe

Welcome to Terri Wolffe's Desperate Desires Blog Tour promoted by Tracee at Pump Up Your Book.

For this tour, the author will be submitting a guest post and participating in a giveaway (see below for both).  If you're interested in knowing more about this book, you can click here to read a book summary and my review.

In the Pursuit of Your Passion by Terri Wolffe, Author of Desperate Desires

Mandy, foremost, thank you for allowing me to post to your blog.  When you gave me cart blanche to pick my own topic, what sprang to mind was this whole process I've been going through to promote Desperate Desires.  Now that the writing is done and the piece is finally "out there," I'm finding that there's so much more to be accomplished.  But if you'll permit me, I'd like to take a step or two backwards.  Specifically, to where I was prior to writing the book.

By day, I work in the ultra-high-net-worth industry (with families of exceptional wealth).  That arena is so far from romance and the escape that it provides that the transition can be jolting.  I've had this career path for many years, but it wasn't until late last year that I found myself asking the question, "What is it that you've always wanted to do but never gave yourself permission to do?"

It didn't take me long to find my answer.  I've always wanted to write in the genre that I've loved reading since my early teen years: Romance.

That was an epiphany for me.  I'd grown so accustomed to reading other's writings that I feared putting my own words to paper.  The doubt that assailed me threatened to capsize my newfound dream.  So, I just started writing before I could talk myself out of it!

The publishing industry has changed so dramatically from just a few years ago that the term "self-published" no longer hold the negative connotation that it once did.  Once I had most of the pieces of my puzzle ready to be fit together, e.g., the editing, the cover, the typesetting, etc., I was ready to take the final leap by hitting "publish" on Amazon's Kindle.

And here we are, Mandy.  Desperate Desires is selling well.  It's gotten mixed reviews: most good, some bad.  But then, we learn to take the good with the bad, hoping something can be gleaned from the negative reviews.  And if not, well, we shake the dust off our feet and keep moving.

And that, my dear friends, brings me to the crux of my post.  What's your passion?  Hidden or revealed?  Are there secret or open desires that you have but have never really followed or explored?  Where has fear held you back from accomplishing a long-thought of dream or goal?  I'd love to know your thoughts.  Please share them.

Thanks for reading my post.

Terri Wolffe, Author of Desperate Desires
Terri @


The author has consented to giving away 2 e-copies, via Amazon, of Desperate Desires.  If you are going to enter, please be sure that you will be able to receive an e-copy from Amazon.

I will leave the giveaway open until Monday night, 4/4/11, until 23:59.  At this time, I will choose and contact two winners.  Winners will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen in their place.

Thanks and Good Luck!!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I think I would have enjoyed a career in politics, but I don't want my life and my family dragged through the mud.
