Friday, March 25, 2011

Book Blog Hop Friday #12

Book Blogger Hop

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books.  This is a chance for people to visit other book-related blogs that they normally wouldn't find and/or visit on their own.  To participate, a question must be answered. 

Before we get to the question, I would like to welcome any new viewers/followers to my blog.  If you're an 'oldie but goodie' ... welcome back! =)

Now, this week's question is:

"If you could physically put yourself into a book or series…which one would it be and why?"

My Answer:

This answer will probably sound somewhat expected, but I would love to physically put myself into the Harry Potter series.  I would love to go to school at Hogwarts and meet Dumbledore.

I would also love to put myself in Dorothy James' novel A Place to Die.  The culture and the people just seem like a place I would love to be a part of.

What about you?  =)


  1. Hi there, hopping by! Some other people also mentioned Harry Potter and I can see why! Wouldn't it be great to have some magic? And I'd love to walk through that old school of theirs.

    Happy reading!

  2. Apologies in advance for my answer this week as it will not immediately resonate with the book blogger population which happens to be 99.5% female.

    My choice is a book series geared towards guys which won’t enthrall the vast majority of my fellow book bloggers (who are almost entirely female) with the extensive discussion of powerful weapons and sexy milspec gear, beautiful women, eye-popping action sequences (with occasionally obscene violence), and the like.

    But there IS something in my answer that just about everyone of the female persuasion can benefit from my decidedly “books for guys” post. Hop on over to to find out what it is.

    Happy Hop Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  3. Great book selections this week! I also chose the Potter series. I love your blog - your posts are so interesting! I'm most definitely a new follower :)

    Take care & happy reading,
    Ms. C

  4. Lots of people seem to like Harry. Me included. Though I made a different choice.

    Here's my post for this hop. Hope you will stop by. I always follow back.

  5. Harry Potter is taking the blogs by storm!! Your second chioce is pretty awesome too.

    -Shera (Book Whispers)
