Thursday, February 3, 2011

Review: Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure by Allan Richard Shickman

Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure
ISBN-13: 978-0-9790357-0-8 (sc)
ISBN-10: 0-9790357-0-8 (sc)
Page Count: 148
Copyright: 2007 by Allan R. Shickman
2nd Printing: 2010

(Taken from back cover)

Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure has only begun.  Pressed by love for his brother and a bad conscience, the hero undertakes a quest which leads to captivity, conflict, love, and triumph.  In three years, Zan-Gah passes from an uncertain boyhood to a tried and proven manhood and a role of leadership among his people.  This dramatic and impassioned story will thrill and deeply move young adults and older readers.  They will dream of Zan-Gah at night, and remember it all of their lives!

My Review:

To begin with, the story is an easy read and is geared mainly towards young adults ... I'd say mostly males.  There's a young boy who kills a lion and earns his "stripes" into manhood ... literally.  Once that's done, and the following celebration is over, he sets out on a journey to find his twin brother which has been gone for over a year.

Once on that journey, Zan-Gah (meaning Zan of the Rock - The place where he killed the lion) encounters many situations that help to mold and shape him into the wise man that he becomes at the end of his journey.

The story was well-written and I felt that I got to know what made Zan tick.  There were only a few of the supporting characters that were fleshed out enough for me to get to know them, but it worked well in this story.  I think getting to know too many of the supporting characters would've taken away from the importance of Zan and how he became who he ended up being (I'm trying not to give spoilers away here).

There is a sequel to this book that covers the relationship between Zan and his newly found brother, Dael.  I'm ready to begin reading it so I can see how the two co-exist again after being apart for so long.

So, overall, for this first book, it was interesting and made me think about how the tribes live, the different rules they govern themselves by and the roles of the females and males in each tribe.  I think a young boy between the ages of 11 to 14 would enjoy this book the most as they would be able to relate to Zan-Gah better than their female counterparts.

Happy Reading! =)


  1. Thanks for reviewing. You are right about Zan-Gah being primarily a boy's book, but I hope some of the psychological stuff appeals to girls too. I tried to write a story that would be moving as well as exciting, and I think girls like that. Girls will read boys' books, but boys won't read girls' books as a rule. I wonder why that is.

    Allan R. Shickman

  2. LOL - Maybe they feel reading a girls book will make them look like a sissy? =) It is true though, girls will read boys books faster than boys will read girls books ... weird ...

    Thanks for stopping by Allan! =)
